This plugin is the jQuery version on the fancy zoom effect.
As describe on the fancy zoom web site, this effect is providing a smooth, clean, truly Mac-like effect, almost like it's a function of Safari itself (see the demo below).
As the well famous light box plugin you must encapsulate your thumb images with a link that point to the zoomed image:
//required <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.dimension.js"></script> //optional <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.shadow.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ifixpng.js"></script> //the plugin it self <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.fancyzoom.js"></script>
Add your images in the html page, but wrap it with a link to the zoomed version:
<a href="image1.jpg"><img src="image1-small.jpg" alt="" /></a>
After it, select the links and call the jQuery Fancy Zoom plugin. See some examples:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { //Set the default directory to find the images needed //by the plugin (closebtn.png, blank.gif, loading images ....) $.fn.fancyzoom.defaultsOptions.imgDir='../images/'; //very important must finish with a / // Select all links in object with gallery ID using the defaults options $('#gallery a').fancyzoom(); // Select all links with tozoom class, set the open animation time to 1000 $('a.tozoom').fancyzoom({Speed:1000}); // Select all links set the overlay opacity to 80% $('a').fancyzoom({overlay:0.8}); //new rev > 1.2 //apply fancyzoom effect on all image whose class is fancyzoom !! $('img.fancyzoom').fancyzoom(); }); </script>
Click on the image to see the zoomed version.
Images are zoomed from the place they are as in the mac osx dock.
While loading the image, a png animation shows to the user that image is loading.
If you add the ifixpng, ie 6 and ie 7 are full compatible.
But also safari 3 and firefox 2.